Github SSH Key

The struggling Developer
4 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Richy Great on Unsplash


Password authentication with Github is being deprecated. The tools you use make problems for you? You have multiple GitHub Accounts that you need to configure. Let´s do it with Github SSH Keys.


The Solution are using SSH Keys with Github. Let´s do it correct from the beginning, so that you can have multiple Keys and accounts on your System:

  • Create SSH Key
  • Announce your public SSH Key to Github
  • Configure SSH
  • Configure your local repository

Create SSH Key

To create an SSH Key, you use ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $path.

$path is the path were to save the key and it´s name, so e.g. ~/.ssh/myPrivateGithubSSHKey.

Announce your public SSH Key to Github

After the key was created, you need to announce the key to Github. To do that go to and click on the profile icon on the top right:

Click on Settings. In the opening window click on SSH and GPG Keys:

