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Know your Why

The struggling Developer



“He who has a ‘why’ to live can bear almost any ‘how.’” (Famous line from the opening section of Nietzsche’s Twilight of the Idols (1889).

Even back in 1889 Nietsche already knew and proposed that to excel at Life, successfully navigate it´s hardships and challenges, it´s ups and downs (Life is Suffering), you need to know your why.

So why do you do things? What is the reason for your suffering?

Why you need to know your why

As mentioned in the introduction, Life has it´s ups and especially it´s downs. Buddhists believe Life itself is suffering (Life is Suffering).

May it be that you boss is a dick head and you have a hard time getting out of bed every morning to get ready for/ to work. Or may it be the drinking with your frenemies last night and your head feels like it´s going to explode.

Or may it be that your spouse or a child recently died and you ask for the reason, ask God or Allah or your Spirit guide for help to get through every single minute of the day and asking yourself why you should continue to live.

All of this is suffering, as are many more examples. Some more horrible than others.

But all of them are united in one way: Without knowing your why, those times…

